v Below paragraph is probably TMI.
Usually on wednesdays I have one class in the middle of the day. If it weren't cancelled, I would be pile driving through King Lear right now instead of writing this. To be honest, I have no idea what to do with myself. I went to the gym yesterday, so I have pretty much zero motivation to troop my fat ass down there today as well. Maybe I'll finally call campus health about making a dermatology appointment. I keep telling myself to, but then I don't. It's probably some subconscious aversion to getting willingly stuck with needles before they can put me on acutane (which I think is overkill), but then again I combined my prescription stuff with four kinds of over the counter and all that seems to be doing is making me dry. I'm almost out of the prescription stuff, too, so I need to go to campus health if only for refills.
^Above paragraph was TMI.
Like there's even a little post-it note with the phone number and the words "Call about Dermatology" on my desk. I need to get it done.
My new philosophy for handling days that verge off in the direction of shitty before 10 AM is convince yourself that "Today is going to rock by virtue of everything shitty that could possibly happen having happened before 9:30, so the rest is going to be awesome." If this doesn't work, drink a can of
SLAP and suddenly everything is better. It's probably just a placebo effect, but everything is funnier with huge amounts of caffeine. I like the green apple kind. It's yummy. Anything you find out on facebook shot of someone
dying is not worth letting it ruin your day. And that's all I'm going to say about that because this entry already verging on passive-aggressive and it is soooooo not meant to be.
On Saturday, some friends were in town so I called up another friend in the city and we went to Central Park for... THE LIGHTSABER BATTLE OF THE CENTURY!!! Pictures below:
I'm the dork in red. Also included in this photo, and much prettier than me, are a Kota, a Brazile, and an Alex.
A video of the event:
If you're ever in Central Park and want to see what huge rock it is we're climbing on, if you go in near Columbus Circle and head just a little bit north, you'll see this huge dome of glacial leftovers attached to a concrete construction playground. In summer they pipe water through it. That's our battle spot.
I leave you with a Leez, an Alex, and a Kota doing battle: