Sunday, January 10, 2010

Freshman Fifteen Contingency Plan

I am classically opposed to exercise classes. When I go to the gym, I do some weights, some sit-ups, spend about half an hour on the stationary bike, and call it a day all by my lonesome. Before college, this was a routine repeated about once or twice a week with a couple hours of dance classes thrown in in the name of variety. Once I got up to school, however, my workout routine became non-existent. I tried to replace it with with the occasional long walk, but it didn't really work, the change in dietary habits got to me, and I gained five pounds first semester, which isn't so bad, but could easily turn into something worse.

Before winter break, my plan went as follows:

"I am going to eat healthy and I am going to go to the gym every day and I am going to get so in shape and it is going to be awesome!"

My likelihood of following through with this, however, was about one in six thousand. So instead I got home and my mother informed me that, the morning of my first day back, I would be accompanying her to "spinning". As previously mentioned, I am opposed to group exercise on principle - do I really want to look like a fat idiot in front of a large group? But it wasn't so bad as I expected it to be. (Although it is brutal brutal brutal.) And they play good music. It makes me think of this:

(I didn't actually wind up going to the gym every day single day. But more than I probably would have. Moral of the story: group exercise classes are not for squares.)

Also, I heard somewhere that the above video was faked - does anyone know anything more about this? It seems to me like it could go either way.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting video anyway; I've never seen it before so unfortunately I can't tell you if it's faked or not. If not it was probably bitch to do it without getting whapped by a car since he never slowed down or anything.
