Showing posts with label memes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memes. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And miles to go before I sleep

I got my cuts and revisions done and sent off my entries for Blank YPF '11. (Post for another day: Young Playwrights Competitions and You, a handbook.) So that's one massive thing off my to-do list for break, meaning... I still have to write a 6-page anthropology paper by next tuesday, and a 30-page screenplay by... when? I have no idea, seriously. Maybe I should look this up. Yeah? Yeah.

I feel like I should reward myself for finishing my Blank stuff, but so far all I've managed to do is play ten minutes of pokemon. :/ Maybe I'll play the Sims for the rest of the night before trying to start the screenplay tomorrow? Or not, because it's a full-screen game and I don't feel like locking myself out of the option for doing anything else. (Also it takes for-fucking-ever to load, and it runs kind of slow on my computer? It didn't use to. :|)

Alright. Going to go start my screenplay. Yeah? Yeah.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Because the world always needs more memes.

I think "Smug Gagarin" needs to be a thing. Sort of like Fuck Yeah Anthropology Major Fox. (Which, by the way, posted my submission!!!)

Anyway, this is inspired by my friend S. trying to argue space history with me. He lost the argument, btw. ;)

I've been typing my facebook statuses in memespeak lately... they seem to be a hit. ;) Frantically rewriting Like a Dog in Space from 78 pages to 45-ish. It's hard but should be rewarding!!

Meanwhile, listening to a lot of Chameleon Circuit. They call themselves Trock, which is like Wrock, but substitute Wizard for Time lord. anyways it's hilarious. Here's the website with everything else on it.