Thursday, May 12, 2011

So, children, what have we learned this year?

I learned that you can dick around with a screenplay idea for a semester, write sixty pages and four treatments, and still not have anything that resembles a finished product, and still not have wasted the semester as long as you plan on someday coming back to the idea and actually writing it the way it's meant to be written.

I learned that it's not actually essential to do the Anthropology homework readings, but it's better if you do. And by better, I mean, "Do you want to pass the class?" So maybe Professor Grant was on to something when he said to do them. Which I did.

I learned that I am not a person who can be ignored.

I learned this after finding it written on a fortune cookie at the start of term and taping it above my desk.

I learned that I don't entirely know what I want to do with my life.

I also learned that this is okay, because I'm studying things in vaguely the right field and sooner or later I'll get it figured out.

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