Monday, September 12, 2011

And we're back

Starting tap over from the beginning has actually been a really good experience. I never really realized how weak some of my fundamental technique was (also I'm out of practice), and it's been fun and going well so far. Even the fact that it's at 8 AM is pretty good because it wakes me up. And I'll be ahead of things when we get to stuff like drawbacks and perrididdles, but for now I'm just really impressed (in a bad way) in my inability to do slap-toe drops with my left foot.

It reminds me of something my tap teacher in high school used to say... "Left foot is retarded." :)

I've started real work on my full length play for this semester. It's a project I'm really excited about and have done a lot of drafting/planning on, so it's good to finally be working on it in earnest. I didn't have a title when I pitched it last Tuesday, but since then I've hit on something that I really like... So unless I think of something better, it's going to be Boy Wonders (and I'm starting a tag for that). At first I thought it might be a bit too camp, but I tried it out with a few different people and got a good response... and it's not like it isn't fitting, since most of the drama revolves around things that happened to my leads when they were superhero sidekicks!

I'll probably admit some plot details as I get further into the writing process - it's not really good to put stuff all on the table when you're just starting. So in the next few weeks I'll probably toss up some character summaries and such.

This is going to be so fun, though!


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