Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The things you miss when you don't live here.

So I was about to walk my dog earlier today (smoke and ash or not, Barney still needs to go outside), but we'd barely gotten out the front door when I noticed a hulking pit-bull looking creature lurking at the edge of the cul-de-sac. Now, I am not the kind of person who is inclined to think that pitbulls are evil by virtue of being pitbulls, and in fact if your pitbull is on a leash and you tell me they are friendly, I will be all over that dog like "Oh my god I am so happy to see you, PUPPY." However this thing was unleashed and huge and wandering around the neighborhood. So I took Barnie out in the back yard and then went to go see where the huge beast had gone off to.

I tracked it back to my neighbor's house, where it had gone back into the back yard on its own but the gate was open. I knocked on the front door.

"Hey, um, do you own a huge pitbull-looking dog?"

"She's a mastiff, but yes."

"Your gate's open, she was down by the cul-de-sac, but she came back on her own, I think."

Which is always a kind of weird thing to be like. I mean, "Your dog's out" is one thing, but "Your dog's out, but she came back, and in fact I don't know what I'm doing here" is another.

And then all 140 lbs of mastiff (named Xena, apparently?!) came lumbering over to say hi and drooled all over me and was generally a sweetheart and it turns out it was kind of dumb that I was scared of her, but probably still good that I didn't let Barnie get near her because he's kind of dog-agressive, and weighs about a sixth as much as her. And I still think it's reasonable to be cautious of a huge dog wandering around by itself, even if you are generally a dog person, because it's not a dog that you know and it could do some serious damage. But I also thought it was interesting how quickly I changed from "stay away!" to "hello come here let me rub your belly" as soon as I was told the dog was friendly.

Anyways, that's about all for the moment.

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