Tuesday, December 13, 2011

45 minutes before my play is due, and I am zen.

I recognize that there are things wrong with this draft. There are things wrong with this draft that I cannot fix in the time I have remaining and I am just going to let them be. With that in mind, I recognize that I have basically written eighty pages with limited grabbing from my previous draft in about four days, and that is no small feat.

I recognize that there is language in this play that is "inelegant." There are monologues that I felt like I needed a shower after writing. Someone gets called a "cum-dumpster," which I think is a terrible phrase and one I would never,  ever use; but I recognize that it is in character. I recognized that my biggest weakness as a writer last week was my reluctance to "go there" and let sex and violence be explicit. I recognize that this play represents an attempt to overcome this weakness. It might not be there yet, but I forced myself to write the monologues and I forced myself to leave them and if nothing else I learned how to push my boundaries this semester.

I recognize that this is not a final draft. I will revise this play. But I have made improvements in the rewrite that justify that I only slept four hours last night.

And I am zen.

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